
Week 1

First How do I make these maps interactive. Or link them to a interactive map.

June 2 Day1 60 miles
Leaving Home

Left parents with Mona and Dad. Same old story, those hills and farms just don’t change. All that changes is the cows get replaced with younger ones every few years.
When Mona and Dad turned back it was very anti-climactic. Like two fighter planes abandoning their escort. They left just as it started raining. The rest of the ride to Jared’s was wet. Not the best day for a start but Jared said that at least now I know how bad it can get.

June 3 Day2 45 miles

I have noticed that while talking to people in Wisconsin they all want to know why I am doing this. In other parts of the country they want to know other things but here they need to know the why. Obviously someone couldn’t possibly be doing this just for fun. He must be riding to stop cancer and fight global warming. So as long as I get these questions I give them the reason why. I am doing this to try to get more people to ride their bikes. For the exercise for the lack of gasoline involved, Hell for the fun of it. A day on a bicycle is not an all bad day.
Went to a church and stayed there tonight. I got to talk to the two church ladies, the minister and even the newspaper. I felt like quite a celebrity. They almost all asked why.

June 4 Day3 45 miles
There is something about sleeping inside which breaks the continuity of the trip. Something about the waking up on the couch kind of well rested, having breakfast and coffee like a normal person and going about my daily business which is so unfamiliar to traveling by bike. Today I woke up outside and biked outside and will sleep outside. Ironically a good day is by this criteria is when you get to shit in the woods before 7:30 in the morning. A great way to start every day don’t you think.
Biking down Hwy 80 it was great watching the river get bigger and the sandstone cliffs grow as I descended into the valley. I haven’t been going as far as I normally do. I am trying to rest my body, mostly my knees, from getting to injured. The start of every tour always put aches and pains on the body that you normally wouldn’t feel. I stopped a little early in the town of “Hub City”. Two bars and no churches. Is this Wisconsin.
Tommorrow -> ?

Week 1


yeah a map (not exciting though)

First day is out of the way

Dad and sister biked with me for a while from home south. the first half of the day was nice. Then when they left me, it started raining. Maybe it was good that the rain came on the first day. In a way it showed me what it will be like on bad days.

I made it to Jared's house and was pretty tired and sore.

Still working on getting maps on the blog
Peace jsoh


Columbus and Magellan

With all of the final preparations still underway, hopefully by tonight I will be officially on the road. First stop, my sisters house on the other side of town.

I am constantly wondering if Columbus and Magellan were as prepared as this. I would imagine that just like me they were scrambling at the last minute. Every bike race, car race, test, presentation, and trip I have ever gone on has been a hodgepodge collection of last minute crucial details.

See you on the road