
Week 2

June 9 Day 8 150 Km
The People that we meet

Today I met Al and Darb, two recent graduates from Brown University. They too are on a bike journey down the Mississippi to New Orleans. I rode with them for almost all day. Some days I wake up and have no idea of the people I will meet. As in life we really have no idea of where any of this is all going. But we are all traveling there at the speed of time. The bike trip just makes it a little more visible because you go from strangers to friends in two seconds and handshake.
Staying in Hannibal MO the previous home of Mark Twain. Maybe just as in Twains time it’s not filled with the classiest of people.

June 8 Day 7? 110Km
So the farther that I go on this trip the more excited I get about going down to Louisiana and help clean up the damn oil. And although it is not a journey around the world it is definitely something that I would be excited about doing. It may offer me to pursue a career in the EPA or FEMA, government agencies that I believe do great work. I also believe that large agencies such as this need intelligent science minded people that can handle difficult confusing data.
I would also like to remind all of us that the oil spill caused by BP is partially all of our faults. BP was drilling the oil for all of us. Anyone that drives a car, eats a hamburger, and does practically anything else was going to be using BP’s oil. Therefore I think that instead of pointing fingers as to whose fault it was, we should all accept partial responsibility, fix the oil spill problem and make efforts to try get ourselves off the damn shit. I believe that we should all ride more bikes. Sorry for the rant but when it runs through my head for 6 hours straight I get a little worked up. \
PS, It rained this morning
PPS, I got wet.

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